La plateforme de données territoriale souveraine

Prenez le contrôle sur vos données territoriales et valorisez les au travers de cas d’usage pour aiguiller vos politiques public

HexaDone, c'est quoi ?

HexaDone est une Joint Venture entre la Banque des territoires et Orange, ayant pour ambition de créer un commun numérique de la data pour les territoires. Par son approche Agile, le co-developpement et la réplicabilité, HexaDone souhaite que chaque progrès pour un territoire puisse servir aux autres territoires.

Nos actualités et nos derniers projets

A qui s'adresse HexaDone ?

HexaDone propose des solutions pour répondre aux besoins des territoires. Nos solutions moduaires et agnostiques s’adressent aux régions, départements, villes, communautés d’aglomerations , communes mais egalement aux syndicats mixtes et d’energies ainsi qu’aux elus , services metiers et DSI

hante (5) (1)
Territoires Régions et départements
Rectangle 21884
Interco & villes EPCI, Villes, Agglomérations...
hante (7)
Syndicats Mixtes & d'energie
AI_Generated_Image_2024-12-16_472064627024201 1 (2)
Décisionnaires Elus, DSI, Services metiers

La data au service de vos décisions

Notre plateforme de données et notre expertise ont pour but de vous rendre autonome et agueri en ce qui concercne les données de votre territoire

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Une usine à cas d’usage

Notre plateforme industriel a été concu pour mutualiser les efforts des territoires. Vous pouvez ainsi utiliser le travail d’autres territoire pour faire evoluer vos prises de décisions, en vous appuyant sur des indicateurs pertinents et issu de sources sûres

Create amazing things

Turbo-charge your inspiration and content with a wide variety of tools at your finger tips.

Blog Content

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Ideas, Lists & More

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Marketing Content

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Poetry & Song Lyrics

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Sales Copywriting

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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New Tools Coming!

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Annotated data & growing

How our AI copywriting platform works

Turbo-charge your inspiration and content with a wide variety of tools at your finger tips.
Select a type of copy
Select a type of copy. Choose from headlines, blog intros, product descriptions, and much more. Then get start and enjoy your writing with our awesome AI Tool.
Describe your product
Select a type of copy. Choose from headlines, blog intros, product descriptions, and much more. Then get start and enjoy your writing with our awesome AI Tool.
Get your results and edit
Select a type of copy. Choose from headlines, blog intros, product descriptions, and much more. Then get start and enjoy your writing with our awesome AI Tool.

Our AI copywriting works on any platform

Turbo-charge your inspiration and content with a wide variety of tools at your finger tips.

We help 70,000+ people like you to write better.

Pricing that works for you

Join over 1,000,000+ writing with us! Boost with to win the content sprint any time.


Everything you need to write professional copy 10x faster.




Everything you need to write professional copy 10x faster.




Everything you need to write professional copy 10x faster.



Most asked questions from our writers

See the Most asked questions from our loving users and get the answers of your all questions.
How much content I can generate?
Unlimited, our current plans are unlimited. This means that theoretically, you can generate an unlimited amount of content every month.
What languages does it support?
Unlimited, our current plans are unlimited. This means that theoretically, you can generate an unlimited amount of content every month.
How much does it cost?
Unlimited, our current plans are unlimited. This means that theoretically, you can generate an unlimited amount of content every month.
Can I get a demo of the product?
Unlimited, our current plans are unlimited. This means that theoretically, you can generate an unlimited amount of content every month.

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HEXADONE participera
aux Cities Summit à PARIS

12 Septembre 2023